Author name: Marilyn Fettinger

Volunteers Needed!

The Nominating Committee is reaching out to all members. We have been tasked with filling vacancies for three Board positions:  President, Secretary, and Program Chair Assistant.  Each position is a 2-year term.  We have nominations for Secretary and Program Chair Assistant.  If you are interested in the position of President, please contact one of the members of the nominating committee:  Deb Autrey, Diane Rasco, Candy Garrido.  Info is in our membership list.

Auction Reminder

Cleaning out your sewing room? Just remember, one quilter’s trash is another’s treasure! So save a few items for our May auction, complete with live auctioneer, and help us raise funds for future programs and activities while picking up a few great things for yourself!

Quilts at the County Fair

The county fair is less than 1 month away, but you still have time to make a quilt to enter!  The competition rules and entry forms are available at the fair website, Quilt entry will be Sunday, July 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Events Center. CRQC provides volunteers for quilt registration, judging, set up, display, and take down. We will have information at the June meeting regarding volunteering.

Red Star! Blue Batik! Green Holiday!

Names of colors and fabric types rang out across the room in April as we played Fabric Bingo. What a blast! Members sewed their own cards and kept track with buttons. In the end, ten lucky winners took home prize baskets, and many more won sewing-themed door prizes or button bouquets. The  best part of the evening was welcoming guests from Wellspring Community: director Nicole DeVries and program attendees Delaney, Damon, Amy, Lindsey and Kiersten (who got the first Bingo of the night!). Our collective 160 fabric cards will be used to make quilts for Wellspring members moving into their first independent apartments in 2024!

Take a Peek!

Our March workshop with Diane Harris (aka The Stash Bandit) was pure delight! Diane not only gave us lessons in contrast, color and cohesion, she also reminded us to have FUN with our scraps — AND brought scraps from her own stash to share! Check out the photos of our amazing workshop.

I Spy Block Exchange

How can you turn ONE yard of fabric into an I Spy quilt with MANY different items to discover? You create an I Spy swap! We’ve extended the the I Spy Swap deadline one month. Our goal is to make 50 bags and we are half way there! Here’s how it works: From one yard of novelty print fabric (see guidelines), cut 50 five-inch blocks. Turn them in to Marilyn Fettinger by our May meeting,  and in June you’ll get 50 blocks back for your own unique I Spy quilt. Details are available on our I Spy Block Exchange page.

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