UFO Challenge

Hey quilters, do you have a stack of unfinished projects? (Silly question, right?!) Whether you ran out of time, didn’t have the right materials, or just got sick of the quilt, unfinished projects pile up easily–and take up a lot of space! Let’s make a CRQC resolution this year to clean out our UFOs! Here’s how it will work:

  1. Print the UFO Challenge Tracker form.
  2. Fill in 12 projects you want to finish or make progress on this year. (Tip: If you open the file in Adobe Acrobat, you can type right into the form and save yourself a copy.)
  3. During our monthly meeting (1st Tuesdays) we will randomly draw a number 1-12. That number will correspond with the project number you are to work on throughout the month, until the next meeting. (No quilt police here – if you aren’t feeling it, choose something else.)
  4. At the end of the month, mark your progress and email your pictures to crqcwebmaster@gmail.com and they will be added to our UFO album on the CRQC website. There is also a Facebook group where you can post your finished project.
  5. By the end of the year, you’ll have 12 finished projects! Or you’ll at least have made a significant dent in your stack of UFOs.

Let’s do this!

January – 5

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